Enter the account and passwords in the boxes provided and click "Next". 在所提供的框中输入账户和密码,随后单击“Next”。
If prompted for user credentials, enter an administrative account and password. 如果提示输入用户凭证,那么输入管理员账户和密码。
It allows you to take a single workload, enter basic account information and then uses benchmarks and other research elements to set normalized response values. 它允许输入单一工作负载,输入基本的账户信息,然后使用基准和其他研究元素设置规格化的响应值。
In the Properties window, select the Driver Properties tab and, in that screen, enter the DB2 account user name and password. 在Properties窗口之中,选择DriverProperties项,并在该界面之中,输入DB2账号用户名和密码。
Select the second row of the table, and enter "Your account balance is:". 选择该表的第二行并输入“Youraccountbalanceis:”。
The UI includes an area to enter an account number and an area to display selected output from the HATS web service. 这个UI包括了一个用来输入帐号的区域、一个用来显示HATSWeb服务特定输出的区域。
Under service logon, enter a Windows account and password. 在“服务登录”下,键入windows帐户和密码。
Please enter your account and password to download data. 请输入帐号、密码登入系统,提取更新档案。
Enter the login account and password for the NS tutorial windows service. 输入windows服务的登录帐户和密码。
Once the customer picks up the line, the IVR will prompt the user to enter a6 digit account and4 digit pin. 客人一旦开始通话,IVR就会要求使用者输入6位帐号或者4位的身份识别码。
Enter a Windows account to use as the web administrator account. 输入一个windows帐户作为网站管理员帐户。
Enter an account to be used to gain access to the selected domain. 输入要使用的帐户以访问选定的域。
Please enter your account name for logging onto this server. 请输入登录该服务器的账号名。
Please enter a service account name. 请输入一个服务帐户名。
If you selected the operator Reports to, enter the account name of a user. 如果选择运算符隶属于,请输入用户的帐户名。
Enter the administrator account name and password for each domain. 输入各个域的管理员帐户名和密码。
Please enter the account name you will use to identify yourself when authoring and administering your frontpage webs. 请输入用于在制作和管理frontpage站点时对您自己进行识别用的帐号名称。
Enter the account ( s) that will be added to the Reader site group in the personal site when it is created. 输入在创建个人网站时将添加到个人网站的读者网站用户组中的帐户。
Enter the account to be used when accessing this site. Enter an empty account to use the default content access account. 输入访问此站点时使用的帐户。输入空帐户将使用默认的内容访问帐户。
Enter an account to be used when gathering content from this database for content indexing. 输入从此数据库收集内容进行内容索引时使用的帐户。
If the proxy server is protected by a password, enter your account name and password in the dialog that appears. 如果代理服务器被密码保护,请在出现的对话框中输入您的帐户名和密码。
If your news server requires you to log on, enter your account name and password, or you can chose to log on each time you connect. 如果新闻服务器要求您登录,请输入帐号名和密码,或者选择在每次连接时登录。
Enter the account name and password for an account that can access the source. If an account is not set, the default content access account will be used. 输入可以访问源的帐户的帐户名和密码。如果未设置帐户,将使用默认的内容访问帐户。
Enter a domain account to be used by Cluster Service for security purposes. 为安全目的,输入群集服务所使用的域帐户。
After you enter the number for the appropriate Windows installation, enter the Administrator account password. 输入适当的Windows安装号后,将提示您输入管理员帐户密码。
For any of the following orders, all you need to do is to enter your personal account number and email address. 对于下面订单中的任何一个,你需要做的只是输出您的个人账号和电子邮件地址。
Surplus of fixed assets should enter into account as the replacement value. 盘盈的固定资产按重置价值入帐;
Use this page to enter or change account information for enterprise application definitions. 使用此页面可输入或更改企业应用程序定义的帐户信息。
If prompted, enter your passport account information. 看到提示后,请输入您的passport帐户信息。
Use these systems to enter account numbers, passwords and other information, the operation is cumbersome. 在使用这些系统时要不断的输入账号、密码等信息,操作繁琐。